Mega Greetings


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Help / Support

About eCardMAX membership

How to use Member Features

Requirements to view eCard

How to Join

How to send/Receive an eCard

Privacy Policy

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About eCardMAX membership

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Become a member and you get unlimited access to all greeting cards on our site. Click here to join now!

Membership includes the following exclusive benefits:

  • Unlimited access to many ecards
  • Address Book - Store all your friends' e-mail addresses, so sending ecard will be quick and easy.
  • 2 Free Accounts - that members can give to family or friends, who also get unlimited access to all cards, with their own separate account. That's like 3 memberships for the price of one!
  • Calendar - Plan ahead by accessing your Calendar, where you can add birthdays, and other special days and appointments. Click on that day, and it will link you to that section. (Birthdays, Holidays, etc.)
  • Reminders - Store all your important dates so birthdays, anniversaries and other special events will never be forgotten, through our Reminder Notification e-mails.
  • My Favorites - Store all your favorite cards in 1 convenient location for easy access
  • Card History - View all cards sent in the past 30 days, with option to cancel cards that have not been delivered yet.
  • My Account - Edit your membership information including e-mail address, password, and 2 free accounts.
  • Record your Voice - You can record your Voice to send ecard with your voice message
  • Send your own image - Back from vacation, got new photos in your digital camera? Wouldn't you like to send them as ecards, to your friends, and family?
How to use Member Features

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My Account

Edit your membership information anytime by accessing the "My Account" link. You can change your e-mail address, password, and your two free Family Membership accounts.

Please follow the instructions below to edit My Account:

1. If you are not already signed in, Sign in using your user ID and password.
2. Click on the "My Account" link in the Members toolbar at the top of the page.

To Edit your membership information: Enter the updated information and click "Update."

To Change your Password: Type in your new password in the "New Password" and "Confirm Password" fields, and click "Update."

Address Book

Our members can store their friend's information in their own Address Book. Please follow the instructions below to access this feature.

1. If you are not already signed in, Sign in using your user ID and password.
2. At the top of the screen click "Address Book" icon on the toolbar.
3. A popup window will open - This is your Address Book.

To ADD a contact:

1. Click the "Add New" Button.
2. Enter the name and contact information (Real name, e-mail address, display name (nickname)).
3. Click "Save" to store the information in your Address Book.

To EDIT a contact:

1. Click "Edit" to the left of the contact you want to edit.
2. You will see the full contact information for that person displayed.
3. Click "Save" to save your changes.

To DELETE a contact:

1. Check the checkbox to the left of the contact you want to delete.
2. Click "Delete" button. You can delete 2 or more contact name at once.

To send a ecard using your Address Book:

1. Choose a card you would like to send
2. At step 3 find and click on the "Open Address Book" button to open your Address Book.
3. Check the contact name checkbox.
3. Click the "Insert" button and the e-mail addresses will appear in the "To" field(s).


All your stored Reminders, special events and holidays can be viewed on your Calendar. Plan your schedule and send eCard by clicking on the Reminder or Holiday, which will link you to the applicable eCard category page.
Please follow the instructions below to access the Calendar:

1. If you are not already signed in, Sign in using your user ID and password
2. Click on the "Calendar" link in the Members toolbar at the top of the page.

To ADD a new Event:

1. Choose the date on the Calendar table and click on it.
2. Enter the Event name, date, notes and click "Save".
To EDIT an existing Event:
1. Click on the "Reminders" link in the Members toolbar at the top of the page
2. Click on "Edit" link to the right of the event you would like to change.
3. Edit the information and click "Save".

To DELETE an existing Event:

1. Click on the "Reminders" link in the Members toolbar at the top of the page
1. Check the checkbox to the left of the Reminder you want to delete.
2. Click "Delete Selected" button. You can delete 2 or more Reminder name at once.

Upload your own Photo

Back from vacation, got new photos in your digital camera? Wouldn't you like to send them as ecards, to your friends, and family?

1. If you are not already signed in, Sign in using your user ID and password.
2. Click on the "Upload" icon at the top of the page
3. Click Browse... button to get the right path to your image file
4. Click "Upload Now" button to upload your image to our server.

Email Reminder

Our Reminder Notification service is a convenient way to remember all the important dates of your busy life!

Please follow the instructions below to access this feature:

1. If you are not already signed in, Sign in using your user ID and password.
2. Click on the "Reminders" icon at the top of the page.

To ADD a new reminder:

1. Click "Add New Reminder" button.
2. Enter the appropriate information and click "Save".

To EDIT an existing reminder:

1. Click on the "Reminders" icon at the top of the page
2. Click on "Edit" link (next to your Reminder Note) of the event you would like to change.
3. Edit the information and click "Save".

To DELETE an existing reminder:

1. Check the checkbox to the left of the Reminder you want to delete.
2. Click "Delete Selected" button. You can delete 2 or more Reminder name at once.

My Favorites

You can store your favorite eCards in one convenient location so that you can easily send them to your friends any time.

Please follow the instructions below to access My Favorites:

1. If you are not already signed in, Sign in using your user ID and password.
2. Choose your favorite greeting card. Click on the "+Add To My Favorite" link, which is located at the top right corner of every ecard. Your eCard has been added to "My Favorites"

To SEND a eCard from My Favorites:

1. Click on the "My Favorites" icon at the top of the page.
2. Click on the eCard you would like to send.
3. Personalize the card and send it!

To REMOVE an eCard from My Favorites:

1. Click on the "My Favorites" icon at the top of the page.
2. Click "Remove" right below the eCard you would like to delete from My Favorites.

Card History

Our members can view all cards sent in the past 30 days. Members also have the option to view or cancel cards that are scheduled to be delivered at a future date (i.e. hasn't been sent yet).

Please follow the instructions below to access Card History:

1. If you are not already signed in, Sign in using user ID and password
2. Click on the "Card History" link in the Members toolbar at the top of the page.

To VIEW a card: Click on "View" next to the card (or the thumbnail picture) you wish to view.

To CANCEL delivery of a card that is scheduled to be sent:

1. Click on the "Card History" link in the Members toolbar at the top of the page
2. Click the "Cancel" link next the card that you do not want delivered.

Requirements to view eCard

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Some of our eCard using Flash - You must install Macromedia Flash Player 6.0 or in order to view them correctly. Click here to download the latest Flash Player.

We recommend viewing our site using the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later
Netscape 7.0 or later


How to send an eCard

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Start by visiting our website at Select a category from which to send a card. Browse through our cards and choose the one you would like to send.

Step 1: Preview the card you choose.

If this is not what you want then click button "More Cards" to go back and choose a different card. If this is the card you would like to send to your friend, click on "Go to next step" button.

Step 2: Design your postcard layout

You will see three drop down menus just like the samples below.


[Select Java]
If you would like to add a Snow or Rain or Happy Face.. effect to your ecard please choose the effect inside the Drop Down Menu [Select Java]

[Select Background below] It will change the background to a difference look - Make sure the background is compatible with the card you are using. If you do not choose a background the default will be used.

[Select Your Stamp] The stamp will be automatically updated for you when you choose. If you do not choose a stamp the default will be used.

There options below allow you to add Poetry


You may choose to add your own poem by selecting it from the drop down menu where it says "----Upload Your Poem Here ------" - A new window will pop up. You will type in your poem, click preview poem, then save poem and close this window.

If you want you can use one of ours or none at all. Next choose font and alignment. If you do not choose the default will be used.

Using our music library        Upload your music file

New feature: Send ecard with your Voice message.
Select the option "Upload your music file (record your voice message here)"
above then click button NEXT

By default our music library is checked and you will be able to choose one of ours. You can upload your own music from your computer by selecting "Upload your music file". If you choose this option follow the next windows instructions. Please note: if you choose to record your voice you will have to download Voice Recorder software Ecard.exe.

Click "Go to next step" button to go to the last step

Step 3 - Personalize Your Ecard

Fill in all the required information, including your name and e-mail address and the recipient's name and e-mail address and a personalized message.

Then click on "Preview your ecard before sending" button to preview the card first and make any changes, if necessary. If you like how the card looks, then choose the desired card delivery date. click on "Send Now" button to send.

How to pickup a card

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You will receive an e-mail stating that someone has sent you a postcard. In the e-mail message, there should be a web page link (URL) which you can click on to automatically receive your card. Or you can copy and enter the Card Number provided with the email on our card pick-up page at:

How to join

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Please click here to create your new account then you can access to all of our ecards and member benefits

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